Rights to the City (R2C)

Think City builds partnerships, develops research and liveability assessments, and advocates for a systemic change in how public housing, particularly in Malaysia, is developed and managed in the long term. Rights to the City is a collaborative platform where experts and practitioners collaborate to improve public housing and strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities through effective policy recommendations and implementation.

Some of the initiatives under Rights To The City include a community leaders programme and activities for youths at identified public housing; engagements with various stakeholder through the Ecosystem Dialogue which discussed ways to improve the quality of life for people residing in public housing through systems practice methodology; a series of closed-door roundtable discussions relating to mental and physical health, malnutrition, poverty exit, and climate to gain insights on the issues and identify potential solutions through case studies presented; and the publication of a public housing liveability white paper. The programme culminates with the first public housing liveability conference, aimed to ignite discussions in advancing the issue towards a multi-stakeholder approach

For more info, please visit thinkcity.com.my/R2C.