Communities Take Charge: Think City’s Geran Komuniti K2K to Empower Public Housing Transformation

Date: Wed 6 Mar, 2024

Location: Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, 6 March 2024 – Think City, a leading impact organisation in urban rejuvenation, is proud to announce the launch of Geran Komuniti K2K, a grant programme designed to empower communities living in public housing to transform their liveability and communal living spaces. This initiative is a key component in bolstering social resilience and enhancing the sustainability of cities and urban environments.

Over the past decade, Think City has worked with communities nationwide to develop deep insights and expertise to address the steady decline in living standards within Malaysia’s public housing projects. Against this background, Kita-untuk-Kita (K2K) programme was formulated as a public investment in social development to build the capacity of communities to better address the liveability challenges in their public housing.

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Komuniti Menerajui Transformasi Perumahan Awam Melalui Geran Komuniti K2K Oleh Think City